Niebla Hidratante - Lemongrass
¿Por qué niebla?
The Hydration Mist es el artículo perfecto para agregar a tu rutina de cuidado del cabello. 100% natural, también huele 100% a aceites esenciales de hierba de limón. Este producto dejará tu cabello súper suave y te dará un plus de hidratación y brillo.
Cómo utilizar
Rocíe la niebla por todo el cabello y el cuero cabelludo.
Recomendamos nebulizar todos los días. Y recuerda siempre rociar antes de engrasar 💦✨
Una ráfaga limpia y poderosa de limoncillo te dejará con un olor increíble.
Agua purificada, glicerina, jugo de aloe vera y aceite esencial de limoncillo.
We take great pride in offering fast shipping times. These are our current shipping policies:
- All orders within the US will take 12 business days to be processed and leave our warehouse. This does not include weekends or holidays.
- All international orders will be processed and leaves our warehouse within 10- 14 business days. This does not include weekends or holidays.
- All pre- orders will be processed and leaves our warehouse within 10 - 14 business days. This does not include weekends or holidays.
Once the package leaves our warehouse, your carrier or delivery company will have an additional time period to deliver your order to your doorsteps. Your order will now appear to be in transit. This may take an additional 5-7 business days and does not include weekends or holidays.
Shipping times may vary depending on the season. Some seasons are busier than others and we try our best to get all orders out in a timely fashion. Holiday and Black Friday times may have delayed due to to huge amount of orders and bad weather.
Please contact our customer service department at thelocgodcustomerservice@gmail.com for any inquiries about your order.
If you have any allergic reaction to Loc God Products, stop using immediately. For external use only. Avoid eye contact. Rinse immediately if your eyes have been exposed.

Amazing results using Loc God products.


Amazing Reviews
Over 1000 reviews from our amazing loc angels. 200k orders and growing.
Michael J
Freshness at its best
absolutely love this product. It keeps my hair Moist and smelling fresh and so clean
Insane amount of hair growth!!!!
Definitely love this product and it’s so good in many ways but to definitely experience the amount of growth it has on you shows the progression!!!
DreAunna C
I love all Nia products!! 100/100
Este producto ha recibido 4.8 de 5.0 estrellas.
Ha recibido 13 reseñas.
Why you should use?

Instant Hydration Boost

Natural Shine Enhancer

Invigorating Aromatherapy

How to use

How often to use