Use This Everyday
This is what you are missing! Pick whatever scent you want, they all work the same.
Designed to be used everyday this is the secret sauce for healthy hair! Trust me! You’ll see results in how your locs look and feel in a week!
🍃 Breakage
🍃 Dryness
🍃 Hair Growth
What about oil?
It’s a very common myth that oil is everything! The truth is misting is most important. Oiling is great for hair growth but if your hair is dry and damaged there’s nothing oil will do! Mist everyday, and oil every other day! Use Loc Butter if you have colored locs! Use whichever scent you want, they all work!
🍃 Mist everyday
🍃 Oil every other day
🍃Use loc butter if you have bleached locs
Keeping your locs clean
Clean locs are very important! I don’t know who started the rumor that dirt grows hair but something is seriously wrong with that person. You have to be washing your locs every two weeks (matured locs). Starter locs are delicate so we suggest letting your loctician do it to prevent unraveling. We specifically formulated our shampoos + conditioners for locs so you have nothing to worry about with build up. If you have serious buildup, an ACV detox might be needed. Don’t be out here doing that often though, that’s very harsh on your hair
🍃 All natural shampoos + conditioner
🍃 Wash your locs every two weeks
🍃 Detox only if you have product buildup
What about getting retwists?
With over 13,000 clients with locs at our salon in New York City, we have done many retwists over the years. If you’re in the area check out our salon page at However, the two main questions we get are:
Well we always say it depends on where you are in your loc journey! One size doesn’t fit all, but here’s the breakdown:
🍃 Straight/ wavy hair starter locs: every 3-4 weeks
🍃 Curly hair starter locs: every 4-5 weeks
🍃 Matured locs: every 6-8 weeks (can go longer once you’re separating hair on your own after washes)
We only use the palm roll/ locksmithing method for Retwists. The only time crocheting is done is for loc repairs. Constant crocheting or interlocking will cause long term damage over the years! We only use the products down for our Retwists. Apply heat under a dryer or blow dryer for the gel.